
Artificial intelligence (AI) - a very famous term these days is being discussed for its potential applications in all fields, and manufacturing is no exception. AI is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry with its transformative capabilities and being the key factor in the operation of smart factories. This symbiotic relationship between AI and the smart factory creates a self-learning, self-improving ecosystem that continually refines processes and unlocks new efficiencies. Currently, major manufacturing businesses are leveraging the power of AI to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and productivity across various processes.

1. Where AI Can Be Applied in the Manufacturing Process

AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data generated by sensors and connected devices, uncovering hidden patterns and insights that inform intelligent decision-making. So how is AI used in the manufacturing process? 

 AI in Manufacturing

Here are 5 common use cases of AI in manufacturing:

Supply Chain Optimization:

  • Demand Prediction & Order Management: AI analyzes vast amounts of data to forecast demand with greater accuracy. This allows for optimized production planning, inventory allocation, and order fulfillment, minimizing stockouts and overstocking.
  • Warehouse Management: AI algorithms analyze data to optimize warehouse operations, ensuring optimal inventory levels, reduced carrying costs, and improved overall performance.

Connected Factories:

  • Predictive Maintenance: AI monitors equipment in real-time and utilizes digital twins to predict failures before they occur. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and extends equipment lifespan.
  • Real-time Production Optimization: By connecting machines, sensors, and systems, connected factories enable real-time data collection and analysis. This leads to more efficient production processes, faster response to changes, and improved overall productivity.

Product Development: 

  • Market Analysis:  AI helps analyze market trends and customer preferences, enabling companies to design products that better meet consumer demands and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Quality Assurance: AI-powered computer vision systems can inspect products for defects with a level of precision and speed far beyond human capabilities. This ensures consistent high quality and reduces the risk of costly recalls.

Cobots (Collaborative Robots): AI-powered cobots are working alongside human workers to increase productivity. They can perform repetitive or dangerous tasks, freeing up humans for more complex work. In fulfillment centers, cobots assist with picking and packing, navigating complex environments with ease.

Streamlined Paperwork: AI automates tedious paperwork tasks like purchase orders and invoices, saving time and reducing errors. This frees up employees to focus on more strategic work.

2. Current situation and the case study of Taiwan 

In Taiwan, a renowned manufacturing hub, AI is being leveraged to maintain its competitive edge. The government is actively promoting AI adoption through initiatives like the "AI Action Plan." Key industries such as semiconductors and electronics are utilizing AI to optimize design, production, and quality control. Investments in AI-powered robotics and automation are also driving productivity across various manufacturing sectors in Taiwan.

Profet AI - a leading provider of AI-powered solutions for manufacturing

Profet AI - one of the leading AutoML providers- aims to facilitate AI Machine Learning for enterprises through their vision to leverage 20 years of experience in world-class technology companies and their manufacturing know-how and experience to create value for our clients. With that extensive experience, Profet AI has proven its capabilities with numerous case studies applying AI solutions for businesses and achieving many successes. 

A typical example is how Profet AI solved the digital transformation problem of a 36-year-old equipment manufacturer. Thanks to the Profet AI AutoML system, the manufacturer was able to quickly achieve the goals they had set for a long time, achieving improvements in competitiveness. In less than a year, the company implemented 677 digital projects, of which 470 projects were implemented through the Profet AI No-code AutoML Platform, accounting for over 70%.


  • Nearly 500 AI projects were implemented in 1 year
  • Built a data-driven AI culture
  • Enhanced data analysis process

Currently, Profet AI has released an insightful white paper: “2024 State of AI Adoption in Taiwan Manufacturing”. It is based on a survey of 160 manufacturers in Taiwan to bridge the gap of 96% of global manufacturers planning to increase their investment in AI, and only 29% have a formal strategy to realize these investments. This will cover the current state of AI implementation and provide actionable insights for organizations in need of a defined AI strategy.

Click the link to download the report now! https://www.profetai.com/whitepaper-vn

3. SotaTek's Experience in Implementing AI Projects in Manufacturing

SotaTek, a global technology company, has extensive experience in implementing AI projects in manufacturing. SotaTek offers a range of services, including AI consulting, development, and deployment. SotaTek's expertise spans various industries, including electronics, automotive, and consumer goods. They have helped manufacturers achieve significant improvements in efficiency, productivity, and quality through the application of AI.

Related: AI and Machine Learning from SotaTek

4. Conclusion

The integration of AI into manufacturing is transforming the industry, creating new opportunities for growth and innovation. Taiwan's success in leveraging AI to enhance its manufacturing sector serves as a valuable model for other countries. The examples of Profet AI and SotaTek demonstrate the tangible benefits that AI can bring to manufacturers. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative applications in manufacturing, leading to further improvements in efficiency, productivity, and quality. The rise of the Smart Factory is a testament to the power of AI to revolutionize the way we produce goods.


