
2020 has been a significant year, which dramatically affected all aspects of life around the world. The global pandemic and international social distancing have demanded all activities to move online, and therefore, enhanced the inherently important role of technology in our daily lives. Companies are investing in technological innovations more than ever before, as both consumer trends and employees’ experiences become independent of digitalization and automation.

Technology has been and will be playing a major role in assisting us in coping with the coming challenges and optimizing the opportunities, especially considering the unpredictable pandemic situation. Looking forward to the future, Gartner - a top IT Research Firm, has anticipated the most influential technology trends to put an eye on and prepare to embrace in 2021:

1. Distributed Cloud

Distributed Cloud is an application of cloud computing, allowing data to interconnect across servers located at different locations. Distributed computing spreads the workload and application components among several servers, geographically located to meet certain application requirements.

Traditionally, “location” has been ignored in the concept of “cloud computing”, as cloud providers can offer services and manage data across regions with little friction. Nevertheless, ownership, efficiency, law compliance, and evolution demand updates and innovations. Distributed Cloud was established as the first Cloud Model to consider the “geographical location factor.

Distributed Cloud adds significant value in reducing latency, cost of transferring large data, and especially, ensuring that the data can comply with governance laws, demanding data to remain in the same region as it is produced. For example, in certain countries, data is required never to leave the users’ country, such as the EU.

2. Artificial Intelligent Engineering

Optimize and exploit AI potentials requires robust and established AI engineering systems, which can scale up and drive the efficiency of AI applications with the artificial intelligence latest developments in the business models. Many companies have encountered problems with scalability, sustainability, and governance during the establishment of AI projects.

technology trend Many companies have encountered problems with scalability, sustainability, and governance during the establishment of AI projects.

As only 53% of AI projects make it from prototypes to implementation, according to Gartner’s research, the emergence of AI Engineering in 2021 would provide organizations with the framework and disciplines for their AI applications. “Due to the governance aspect of AI engineering, responsible AI is emerging to deal with trust, transparency, ethics, fairness, interpretability, and compliance issues. It is the operationalization of AI accountability.” - Gartner representative noted.

3. Cybersecurity Mesh 

As both of our work and social life move online, the cyber threat landscapes also expand. Cybersecurity Mesh allows the use of an individual or thing’s identity to define the security parameter. Brian Burke - the vice president of research at Gartner, pointed to the ability of Cybersecurity Mesh to revolve around the individuals instead of the organization.

technology trend As both of our work and social life move online, the cyber threat landscapes also expand.

Gartner expected that by 2025, the cybersecurity mesh would support more than half of digital access control requests.

4. Hyperautomation 

“Hyperautomation” also appeared on Gartner’s predictions of Top Tech Trends for 2020, exactly 1 year ago. Gertner believed that anything which could be automated should be automated. Considering the staggering pace at which digitalization and automation are evolving, companies would quickly fall behind without hyper-automation due to the slacking efficiency and expensive operating costs.

technology trend “Hyperautomation” also appeared on Gartner’s predictions of Top Tech Trends for 2020.

Mr. Brian Burke of Gartner further explained the hyper-automation trend: “What we're seeing now is that it's moved from task-based automation, to process-based automation, so automating several tasks in a process, to functional automation across multiple processes and even moving towards automation at the business ecosystem level. So really, the breadth of automation has expanded as we go forward with hyper-automation.”

5. Total Experience

Total Experience is also another technology trend that is worth putting an eye on. Total experience refers to the combination of customer experience, user experience, employee experience, resulting in a multifaceted experience that can impact and transform business performance. Overlapping sections of these aspects can be exploited by technology, enabling companies to take advantage of the emerging trends, to Covid-19, such as Online Shopping or Remote Working.

technology trend Total experience refers to the combination of customer experience, user experience, employee experience.

Gartner indicated the common problem of loosely linked departments and experiences within organizations, as different touchpoints are isolated from each other, both internal and external experience processes are undermined.

Gartner predicts that companies, which can bring about Total Experience between consumers, users, employees, and the companies, would soon outperform the market.


Now you have learned about the top technology trends of 2021 that hold the power to transform our lives. With that being said, those who would want to stay ahead in the market would have to timely embrace and deploy these advanced technologies with their business model and systems.

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Source: Gartner


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